We are continually updating the collection of Moorland Management Guidance and throughout 2024 there will be new guides added.

The published guidance is separated into categories below, with details of the information that is available on the guidance page. Alternatively, if you’re looking for something specific, please type your keywords into the search bar below.

Carbon and Peatlands

Peatland Management and Maintenance

Coming Soon.

Peatland Restoration

The guidance has been provided by Scottish Land and Estates and it provides an introduction to peatland restoration.

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Soils and Carbon Storage

Coming Soon.

Moorland Edge and Open Woodland Planting

Coming Soon.

Biodiversity and Moorlands

Bird Survey Techniques

Coming Soon.

Vegetation Management

Herbivore Impact Assessments

Coming Soon – This guidance provides advice on a variety of Herbivore Impact Assessments in moorland environments.

There is existing guidance available at Wild Deer Best Practice – Habitat Impact Assessments

Wildfire Risk Assessment

Coming Soon.

Wildfire Mitigation

Coming Soon.

Common Grazing’s

Coming Soon.

Dealing with Trees seeding into Moorland

Coming Soon.

Bracken Control

This guidance aims to provide moorland managers with the various options of how to effectively control bracken using various methods.

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Heather Beetle

This guidance aims to assist moorland managers with the most recent information concerning the upland management of heather following an outbreak of heather beetle.

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An image of juniper on moorland

Upland Management of Juniper

This guidance aims to signpost landowners and managers to the most recent information concerning the upland management of Juniper.

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Heather Cutting

The guidance reviews the options to be considered if cutting of moorland is being considered.

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Wildlife Management

Principles of Predator Control

Coming Soon.

Supplementary Feeding

Coming Soon.

Red Grouse Counting, including Black Grouse lek counts

Coming Soon.

Management of Mountain Hare

The guidance has been revised now that mountain hares are fully protected under Schedule 5 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981. Practitioners seeking a licence to kill mountain hares are signposted to the relevant websites.

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Counting of Mountain Hare

The guidance aims to provide the owners and managers of land with an understanding of how to monitor their mountain hare population using an approved counting technique.

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Night Shooting

Coming Soon.

Parasites and Diseases

Tick control in the upland and moorland environments

This guidance aims to identify the methods available to moorland managers for reducing the number of ticks (Ixodes ricinus) in a safe, responsible and sustainable manner.

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Worm Control in Grouse

A large worm burden can have a effect on grouse populations. This guidance considers the options for controlling worms in grouse.

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Landscape Management

Hill Tracks

Coming Soon.


Coming Soon.

Management of Water on Moorlands

Coming Soon.

Communications with Outdoor Access Users

Coming Soon.