Photo credit: Oliver Moore

The Supplementary Information does not form part of the Muirburn Code but provides technical information and more detail that aims to help practitioners with their prescribed burning.  The different sections will be reviewed and updated regularly.

  1. To Burn, to Cut or to do Neither
  2. Offences & Legislation
  3. Safe working distances and breeding season dates for key bird species that might be affected by muirburn in Scotland.
  4. Fire Behaviour and Effects, Wildfire and Contingency Planning
  5. Planning for Burning
  6. Planning for Cutting
  7. Muirburn and Peatland
  8. Muirburn for Grazing Management
  9. Muirburn for Grouse Moor Management
  10. Leaf-blowers for Fire-fighting

The ‘Prescribed burning on moorland – a supplement to the Muirburn Code‘ document was published to support a previous edition of the Muirburn Code. This document was not updated when the Muirburn Code was reviewed in 2017 but much of the guidance it contains is still relevant, where not superseded by the current Muirburn Code and Supplementary Information.